Sunday, October 16, 2016

Analisis Nama-nama Nenek Moyang Orang Nias

Artikel yang dipresentasikan dalam seminar linguistik ini memuat hasil penelitian mengenai nama-nama nenek moyang orang Nias. Mengingat bahwa banyak orang Nias yang namanya cukup unik kalau dilihat dari sudut pandang Bahasa Indonesia, tentunya sangat menarik jika nama-nama tersebut dikaji secara ilmiah dalam kaitannya dengan linguistik dan budaya lokal.

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This is a cultural-linguistic analysis on the names of Nias ancestors. Anthroponomastics on Nias ancient proper names contains some worthy cultural accounts about the tribe. Looking at most of Nias names nowadays triggers a question as to why are the names so ‘funny’ or amusing to other people with Indonesian linguistic background. Such a question was the reason that motivated the present researcher to conduct a research on this notion. The purpose was to obtain an insight on the thoughts as well as cultural and philosophical values held by Nias people in the past and encompassed in how they named their descendants. In order to get the data, senior villagers were interviewed by the researcher. The data gathered were classified according to the meanings and messages contained in those meanings. After analysing the data, it was revealed that it is not only the present-day Nias people who have such linguistically amusing names but also the generations who lived before them. The research shows that the names vary in meanings and aspects of life. What makes it interesting is that not only the names are semantically amusing but they also tell important cultural values held by those ancestors living in the past. Written in Li Niha or Nias language, there were names in imperative forms, names related to dowry, names expressing hope, and names describing what the parents felt about daily lives. Some of the people were even named after animals' names and their body parts. Among other negative meanings, those ancestors were also named after waste materials and using linguistic items expressing indignity.
Keywords: anthroponomastics, culture, Li Niha, Nias, proper name

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Friday, July 22, 2016

Kata Ganti Orang dalam Bahasa Nias: Unmutated Personal Pronouns

Dalam bahasa Nias atau Li Niha, dikenal beberapa jenis kata ganti orang. Yang dibahas dalam artikel yang dimuat di sini adalah kata ganti yang tidak bermutasi atau unmutated personal pronouns. Yang dimaksud dengan kata ganti jenis ini dalam bahasa Nias adalah kata ganti orang seperti ya'odo ‘saya’, ya'ugö ‘kamu’, ya'ira ‘mereka’, dan sebagainya. Dalam artikel yang diterbitkan oleh jurnal internasional ini, diulas mengenai kegunaan kata-kata ganti seperti ini. Secara sintaksis, dipakai untuk apa sajakah kata ganti tak bermutasi dalam bahasa Nias? Silakan download artikelnya di link ini. Di bawah ini juga disediakan abstraknya.


Nias is an Austronesian language spoken mainly in Nias Island located on the west part of Sumatera, Indonesia. This is a unique language but it has not been analyzed in details due to some factors such as geographical obstacles and linguistic problems. The language has both free and bound personal pronouns. The free forms are divided into two groups: the unmutated and the mutated. This study focuses on how the pronominals in the first group are used in sentences or clauses. The data were taken from short stories and other Nias writings that contain the use of unmutated forms of the personal pronouns. The data were processed by classifying them into the same types and analyzed how they are used syntactically in sentences, clauses, or within phrases, as well as their relations to other constituents. The results of the research show that Nias unmutated personal pronouns are used in various ways and with different functions or roles. They are used as predicates, reflexives, objects, markers of modifiers, adverbs, emphases for imperatives, and others. It might be possible, however, to find other kinds of use if a similar research is conducted on different data, but those presented here are representatives of main uses of the unmutated personal pronouns in Nias.

Keywords: Function, mutation, Nias language, personal pronoun

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Perbandingan Tema dan Rema Bahasa Inggris dengan Bahasa Nias

Berkembangnya pendekatan Systemic Functional yang dikenal dengan singkatan SFL atau SFG telah mendorong para ahli bahasa untuk menerapkannya pada bahasa-bahasa lain. Pada tahun 2013, sebuah penelitian yang berkaitan dengan perbandingan tema dan rema bahasa Inggris dengan tema dan rema bahasa Nias telah dilakukan. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut dipresentasikan di seminar internasional yang diadakan oleh Universitas Andalas, Padang. Artikel tersebut dapat didownload di link ini. Berikut adalah abstraknya dalam bahasa Inggris.


Theme and Rheme as the realization of analyzing Clause as Message in Systemic Functional Grammar is an interesting topic to apply to other languages. It deals with the kinds of Theme that can be found in different forms of clauses and their relations to the Rhemes. Nias is a unique language but has not so far been touched much by researchers. This underlines the basic reason for the writer to apply English Theme and Rheme to it. The main focus is narrowed to certain issues related to the kinds of Theme as well as Themes and Rhemes in Interrogatives and Imperatives.

The theories related to the issues are taken from different experts, mostly of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The theories consist of principles in Topical, Textual, and Interpersonal Themes, Themes in Interrogatives and Imperatives, and their Rhemes. The data presented are English clauses and their equivalent Nias clauses examined analytically using descriptive-qualitative method and are then evaluated based on the theories.

The first result found is that Nias Themes are put at the beginnings. The second, Nias Conjunctives in Textual Themes are not as flexible as those are in English. The third, English and Nias Vocatives serve the same function in Interpersonal Theme. The fourth, Themes in Nias Interrogatives are similar to those in English, except that Nias does not have Finite Verbs. The last finding is that Nias Imperatives can be treated the ways English are. Differences found, however, are consequently the result of unique features of both languages.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bahasa Nias (Li Niha) Unik tapi Terancam Punah

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Artikel di atas memuat hasil uraian mengenai hal-hal yang patut dibanggakan tentang Bahasa Nias atau Li Niha tetapi juga mengemukakan fakta bahwa Bahasa Nias itu mulai ditinggalkan oleh banyak penuturnya. Artikel tersebut juga mengungkapkan bahwa seseorang bisa saja secara tidak sengaja merusak Li Niha di media sosial karna penggunaan yang tidak tepat.


The phrase Li Niha is a local name to the language known as Bahasa Nias or Nias Language spoken mainly in Nias Island. The language is interesting not only in comparison to languages in Indonesia but also to languages worldwide. Its fascinating linguistic features make it a valuable language to have especially in the scope of Indonesian linguistic heritage. Apart from this, the language is facing a big challenge from being extinct. This study was conducted qualitatively with the aim to discuss both valuable features of the language and its present main threats. It is suggested that the language be used and typed appropriately in social media, song lyrics, and books.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ciri-ciri Unik Bahasa Nias

Bahasa Nias atau Li Niha merupakan bahasa yang unik. Keunikannya mencakup berbagai hal seperti bunyi dan tata bahasa. Ciri-ciri unik tersebut dibahas dalam artikel berjudul Unique Characteristics of Nias Language oleh Ingatan Gulö. Artikel dapat diunduh lewat link di bawah ini. 

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Spoken mostly in Nias Island located in the west part of Indonesia, Nias or Li Niha is a language which needs linguistic elaboration. It has characteristics that make it a unique language among those spoken in Indonesia, and to some extent, also has a few unusual features compared to the world languages. Its uniqueness is not limited to having only open syllables but also seen in other phonological issues, its orthography, morphology and syntax. This is an analytical-qualitative research done carefully by the writer as a native speaker of the language. In writing system, Nias uses umlaut over the letter o, circumflex over the letter w, and apostrophe between certain syllables. Phonologically, it has voiced bilabial trill, voiced bilabial fricative, voiced alveolar plosive trill, voiceless velar fricative and voiced dental fricative sounds. Morphologically, it is unique in its mutation system of nouns and peculiar type of ergativity. Syntactically, the language is also distinct in its structures of word order, predicates, and reflexivity.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Malu Berbahasa Nias

Me toröido ba Ziboga me bohuna, aila sibai ndra’odo ŵamake li khöda ba ziso niha Mbata ma niha bö’ö si lö mangila li khöda. Simanö göi me usawa misiawa Rato Farafa. Ailado na’i na la’ila niha bö’ö ŵa niha khöda ndra’odo. Na ufaigi göi, ato sibai niha khöda saila fali khöda ba gotalua zi tenga niha khöda. Si manö da’ö ni’ilagu, he me möido manörö misa ba Föka Baru.

Me usawa sisa Lafu, lö ato niha khöda ba da’ö. Ha fasakali ufake li khöda. Me urugi Bandu ba ŵa nohugö sikolagu, aŵena aboto ba dödögu ŵa sindruhu nia tebai aila ndra’o ŵolau li khöda. Sindruhu nia, ba ŵamaigigu, li khöda andre tola lafotöi ia sambua li sabölö fabö’ö moroi ba li tanö bö’ö ba zisagörö uli danö andre. Oya mbörö ŵatola uwa’ö da’ö. Aŵai ya’i, ba ginötö tanö bö’ö sa’ae mufatunö ia. Andrö börö da’ö, böi aila ita ŵamake li khöda.