Dalam sosiolinguistik, pengaruh suatu bahasa terhadap bahasa lain dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang lazim dan menarik untuk diteliti. Artikel ini dipresentasikan dalam konferensi linguistik yang diadakan oleh Universitas Atma Jaya. Unduh Artikel di sini.
first half of the title above represents an Indonesian dialect spoken by Nias
people in some regions in Sumatera. It is actually an Indonesian sentence
meaning It rained, so the washing got wet but it is not that easy for
Indonesian speakers to recognize that it is from Turun hujan, kain basah
semua as most words changed in forms and the syntax is grammatically
unusual. This observational research addresses these kinds of issues that Nias
speaking people contribute to a variation of Bahasa Indonesia spoken by them.
In addition to general observation, the writers involved some participants who
were unaware that they were being observed. The findings cover interesting
linguistic issues related to proper noun, syllabic feature, over
generalization, inversion, and omission of voiced velar nasal sound. Linguistic
variations causing these are also discussed in order to provide deeper
understanding on the issues being analyzed.
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